Thursday, 10 January 2013

My Boy has got his sparkle back! we started the day out with small a step in the wrong direction and seizures upon waking. After consulting with Vicki (dietician) we realised it was down to lower ketones and constipation! This afternoon his Ketones have risen back up he has changed and we now are completely 100% sure that the diet is having a significant impact! Our days are still up and down but we are so happy with the results in such a short space of time..... I wish he would wake as bright as he went to bed but I guess in time that will come, and some days he already does! I'm finding it really hard not to be greedy and want more from this diet... some people don't get results this soon if at all and we have got to remember it has only been one week!

The die itself is becoming easier, I've had a little break from it as I had so many snacks and meals frozen from last weekend but I now don't want my stock supply to run low so I'll be making up batches of meals later on tonight I think also I want to use my ingredients up!!!

We had a couple of blips the other day as I use empty jelly pots to mix small quantities, and because Toby can have the sugar free option we collect quite a few and if we can be bothered washing all of them we recycle them! So we were mixing up the pizza topping in a jelly pot, but we also had raspberries in another pot jelly pot ready to add cream, I weighed the cream and plopped it into the pot, gave it a mix and luckily tried a tiny bit with the tip of my tongue!.............. urgh cream and tomato garlic paste, i'd put the cream in the wrong pot! I can laugh about it now but things like that can be really deflating especially if you have only made one fresh to eat there and then........

thats all for now catch you later......x

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